
20-week Senior Project

Winner of The Rookies' Game of the Year in VR award

Centauri is a 1v1 Multiplayer Platformer Shooter in Virtual Reality. You are a scavenger sent to an alien planet in an attempt to find advanced alien technology that can save your home planet. Unfortunately for you, some space pirates are also here looking to steal the technology for themselves. Fight off the space pirates, defend yourself from the dangers of an alien world, and unlock the secrets that will save the world!

Project Overview

Centauri was created as my senior project at SCAD. The original team started with four core members. As the project progressed, we added sound developers and additional artists to a total of 14 developers.

My Role

I served as the Lead Developer and Programmer

  • Designing and implementing core gameplay mechanics, including character movement, combat systems, and multiplayer networking.
  • Adopting Agile/Scrum methodologies
  • Facilitating remote communication using Discord whenever we didn’t meet on-site.
  • Coordinating with artists and designers to create immersive VR environments and assets.
  • Implementing optimization techniques to ensure smooth performance across different VR platforms.
  • Organized playtesting sessions and gathered feedback to iteratively improve the game’s design and functionality.
  • Presented project milestones and final deliverables to faculty and industry professionals receiving positive feedback and constructive critique.

The Rookies Writeup

Game of the Year – VR